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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rhythm Hounds

Rhythm Hounds
Originally uploaded by brendan.oshea
Local hiphop act Rhythm Hounds are being signed to a new label and needed 3 or 4 different looks for various magazines and promos.
Here's a tip; make sure the client brings a few changes of clothes to the shoot if you wanna get some variety. Having the client put in some effort with the way they're presented takes it up a notch and makes the photographer look good too. I don't think the guys knew they were coming in for a photo shoot, so I was behind the eight ball from the start.

2 Sunpak 383 Supers rear left and right with a bare Canon 430EZ above and to the right of camera. Triggered with Pocket Wizards.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Learning from other photographers

The online photography community is very generous when it comes to the sharing of information. A new blog by Brett Gillett is showcasing some talented artists in his blogger profiles at his new photoblog.
Check it out and get yerself some learnin'!