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Thursday, June 12, 2008

zygotic portraits

zygotic portraits
Originally uploaded by brendan.oshea
These guys were cool with me doing some experiments, so I set up a Sunpak through an umbrella, then lit the background with a tungsten light. The shutter speed was about a quarter second to bring up the background. A side benefit of the long shutter speed was a nice black halo around the guys where I moved the camera a little during the exposure.

zygotic group shot

zygotic group shot
Originally uploaded by brendan.oshea
Did a shoot for a band called Zygotic yesterday. They're all like 14 and 15 years old, and really good. Kids these days eh? You don't wanna know what I was busy doing every day when I was 14 years old, but it certainly wasn't anything cool.
Really simple lighting on this shot. A single bare Sunpak above and to the right of the camera, and another Sunpak shot into a reflector on the ground in front of them.Some of the light from the top strobe spilled onto the background creating a subtle aura. Maybe too subtle.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Zero Degrees

Zero Degrees
Originally uploaded by brendan.oshea
This carpark was interesting because just about every lightbulb was a different type, from low wattage flourescent to very warm incandescent. The blue area at the back is outside and very overcast. CTO gelled flash above the guys. Pretty much straight out of the camera except for the white balance.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

marc collis

marc collis
Originally uploaded by brendan.oshea
I tried using parts of Marc's body as compositional tools to frame his face. I put up a single flash in a brolly above the camera and lit the background with a tungsten light. A slightly longer shutter speed combined with slight movement gave Marc a subtle black outline.
The vignette was in the shot.